Friday 21 February 2014

Better Education Brings New Opportunities for everyone

Higher Education today is simply a necessity. The job market is flooded with a plethora of opportunities for those who possess the right education. Not so long ago jobs were few in number and also limited in variety. But the last decade has witnessed a sea change in the complete climate of the job market. Today opportunities abound, not only in traditional career avenues, but also a whole new world of opportunities has sprung up in the form of non-conventional jobs and careers.

The emergence of the field of IT as the major provider of livelihood around the world has also caught the imagination of young Indian, making IT related education one of the most sort after avenue of both, graduate level as well as higher education aspirants. The emergence and consequent success of Indian born IT companies into major players and world leaders in IT have also made it a dream career zone for most young students in schools and colleges across the country.

Similarly, the opening up of the market in India has brought in a huge number of opportunities for job seekers in fields like engineering, retail, auto-mobiles, shipping, ITeS, Education, Construction and many more. At the present moment a whole lot of jobs are being created every single day by entrepreneurs, both young and experienced alike. The emergence of SME’s has also added to the number of opportunities for young, educated and striving work force.

Now with the world economy and more so the economy of the US and the Euro Zone coming out of the red and showing signs of slowly coming back on track has given most growing economies like India a reason to be positive about the future.

The general elections in India are round the corner. All of India and especially the middle class Indian, the job-seeker, the young engineering graduate, the management aspirant, the architect, the sales executive , in-fact every person that forms the Indian work force , is expecting to see growth return to Industrial India.

Fortunately all is well that ends well, and it clearly appears that the recessionary period for India and the world will soon be a thing of the past. Hence, all those who are still unprepared, under-educated must make it a point not only to enhance their soft skills or if I may say , their employable skills, but also take concrete steps to improve their current levels of education and take up higher degrees to prepare for the soon-coming opportunities.

In today’s day and time one needs not to worry about higher education being out of reach. The advent of Distance Education has now made it possible for everyone to acquire a higher level of education at home and at a very nominal price. So it’s now up to each one of us to script our own success. Start today because “If not now, then when?’

All the BEST & GOD Bless!