Saturday 1 March 2014

Bachelor of Education Not Just a compulsory requirement but also your ticket to a truly noble & great career

 Multiple career options are available today to every single student who completes her or his schooling. Some students choose science, some engineering, others commerce, management, medicine, architecture, etc. Some of these graduation level courses lead to careers others require additional or higher education to land you a job.

One career option which was considered unattractive and not-so-cool just a while ago has suddenly become red hot commodity. Surprisingly it is the education sector and more so school education. The school teacher job has completely transformed itself into a career option which a lot of careerists have now begun to consider a long term option, and why not, considering the fact that excellent schools with professional management, fabulous infrastructure, world class teaching methodologies, international and national level recognition and a host of features unheard of in the recent past are now a reality and begun to appear in small and big cities alike.

Add to this list the excellent salary structure, benefits, perks, facilities, training and other such goodies now available to qualified , trained and passionate teachers, making it one of the best and most lucrative career destination of the foreseeable future.

The main requirement is simply that you complete your graduation followed by the commonly known B.Ed. qualification, ie a Bachelor of Education degree, as all good schools have made it compulsory on the recommendation of CBSE and other state boards.

 A good salary, long term stable career, lots of opportunities to learn and grow, healthy competition and the satisfaction of achieving probably more than you can achieve through any other career in terms of self satisfaction, respect and last but not the least a great part in nation building are more than enough reasons to take up teaching as a full-fledged career.

Wishing you a successful career ahead…

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